March 18, 2020 Update

Daily Update from Dean Lively

Dear Undergraduate Students:

Now that we know that spring term will be entirely online, we can all plan in a much more focused way for what is to come. We hear and see all of the questions many of you have raised about how this will work. We don't have answers to most of them yet, but we are moving as quickly as possible. We will do daily updates so that you know what we do and don't know, and when you can expect to learn more.

Here's where we are today.


Understandably and predictably, we are getting more questions about this than anything else. We know it was difficult to leave, and especially now given the latest public health developments, we thank you for leaving on such a short turnaround. We also know there are many precious and important things that you left behind that need to get back to you.

First and foremost, please understand that you (or family or friends on your behalf) MAY NOT come to collect your things right now. No matter where you are, close or far, this is not an option. You will not have access to your building or your room. Public health considerations are paramount. We cannot increase the risk of transmission for any member of the campus or Upper Valley community. With the number of local cases and the news of the positive student test earlier this week, we simply cannot have more people here.

I know this is beyond frustrating for many of you, but the reality is that we are operating in a new world now, and health and safety must come first. We are not functioning in a "business as usual mode". It is going to be very, very important that you comply with this and other instructions you may receive from the College, and that you adapt with us to new ways of being. If you choose not to do so, you place your ability to enroll or ultimately return to campus at risk. None of us want to get there, so please work with us to get through this.

That said, we are working on how and when we can get you your things. Given that there were thousands of you here this winter, and given current campus conditions, this is a very complex task. It is going to take time. For now, with the exception of Maxwell and Channing Cox, your things remain in your rooms and they are locked down. No one has access to them. I will be back to you by Friday to explain how this is all going to work. We know how important this is to you, and it is one of our very top priorities, so please hold on.


We are getting lots of questions about which courses will be offered on what platforms, what to do if you're in an area where equipment or access is limited, how we'll handle instruction across different time zones, and other practical considerations. The faculty and staff working on academic continuity are taking all of this into account as they determine how this will work, but there isn't going to be any substantive update on that until sometime next week. We know that it will feel like a long week of not knowing, but the faculty, IT and other campus partners need time to iron out these details. They are working double and triple time to be ready to launch. We don't want to share preliminary information that may change as planning progresses, and we want you to be able to make decisions that are as informed as possible, so please be patient.


Many of you are asking whether you can change your D-plans in a variety of ways. We are going to have to take this one step at a time. Please bear with us as this unfolds.

For now, we're going to start by tackling questions we've been getting about converting R's to L's for spring.

Some '23s have asked whether they can be released from the spring term first year residence requirement and convert to an L. The answer to that is you won't know whether it will be approved until sometime next week, however you may submit a request to the registrar's office at to waive the residence requirement with a short explanation of your reason.

We've also heard from some upperclass students who had an R for spring who now want to switch to an L. That is also possible and you should follow the same process. The registrar's office will let you know if your request is approved sometime next week.

We'll have more information about whether you can make other changes to your current D-plan sometime next week. For those of you who had L's and want to convert to R's, please be patient.


The College delayed the due date for undergraduate payments from March 16 to March 23. We will have information later this week regarding spring term bill adjustments and processing refunds according to our refund policy. You will not be charged for room and board if you are not here.


If you chose to stay in an off-campus apartment or facility, you are effectively functioning as residents of the Upper Valley. The ongoing and escalating public health concerns extend to all students, faculty, staff and residents of the greater community. The College is not in a position to provide services and resources as it would have under normal circumstances, including dining. You should follow all of the guidances you've received from the College, and that of local officials for the communities in which you reside.

As I said above, it is going to be very, very important that you comply with this and other instructions you may receive from the College, and that you adapt with us to new ways of being. If you choose not to do so, you place your ability to enroll or ultimately return to campus at risk. Allow me to reiterate, none of us want to get there, but the collective risk to the community is much greater than our own individual preferences. It is in your best interest, and in the best interest of the entire community, it you work with us as we go through this.


We know how anxious you are about being able to finish and graduate on time, about how you're going to complete your theses and culminating work, and how worried you are about what will happen with your Commencement ceremony. We know that as seniors, you're feeling the unique impact of the timing of all this. We are sharing your thoughts and ideas with the team that is assessing what can happen and when. As the Provost said yesterday, the College will announce a decision before April 10 on whether these activities can be held at their scheduled times.

For now, this is what we have. I'll be back in touch as soon as we have more updates.


Dean Lively