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Dear Families,
Welcome to our new version of the monthly digital newsletter, Speaking of Dartmouth. We’ve reframed it specifically for you as families of our current undergraduates. Each month, we’ll feature stories about the student experience, resource information, and current topics in higher education.
As a professor of Spanish and comparative literature, I have the privilege of teaching Latin American literary and cultural studies, literary theory, gender studies and Mexican cultural criticism. As Dean of the College, I am responsible for undergraduate academic life. I oversee the Student Affairs departments, which include Student Academic Support Services, Residential Life and House Communities, the Health Service, Student Life, Community Standards, and offices and centers that support students’ cultural, spiritual and professional development. I also provide direction on student inclusivity and diversity issues, strategic planning for admissions and financial aid.
Dartmouth’s mission is to prepare the most promising students--your students--for a lifetime of learning and responsible leadership. To that end, student affairs bridges academics and undergraduate student life. The goal is that students show up to class ready to learn--healthy, mindful, eager, financially and socially supported, and knowing that they belong in our intellectual community. We work to ensure that the ways that students live, learn and lead on campus seamlessly intersect to create a strong community of critical thinkers, learners and doers. Please encourage your student to make full use of campus resources to support their growth and success.
In the coming months, in this space we’ll address topics such as academic advising, free and fair speech, learning leadership, and health and wellness on campus. We’ll also keep you apprised of deadlines and programs that may be of particular interest. Scroll down to the end of the newsletter for this month’s “important dates and resources” links. Next month, watch for information about spring events, First Year Family Weekend on campus in May, and Commencement in June.
It is an honor to work with your students.
With very best wishes,
Rebecca Biron
Dean of the College