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Dear Families,
As the new Interim Dean of the College for the coming academic year, I will be working with the division of student affairs, faculty and staff across campus to support your students’ intellectual and personal growth. I am very excited for the opportunity get to know you and your students in the coming year.
As one of the house professors for Dartmouth’s six residential communities, I have the pleasure of getting to know students outside of the classroom in a variety of ways, ranging from overnight camping trips and whale watching to cooking demonstrations and small intimate conversations with visiting scholars, artists, and musicians in my comfort of my home. As Interim Dean of the College, I am responsible for undergraduate academic life. I oversee the Student Affairs departments, which include Student Academic Support Services, Residential Life and House Communities, the Health Service, Student Life, Community Standards, and offices and centers that support students’ cultural, spiritual and professional development. I also provide direction on student inclusivity and diversity issues, strategic planning for admissions and financial aid.
To the families of incoming ’22s: Welcome to the Dartmouth community! This monthly newsletter is one of many ways we’ll be sharing College news throughout your student’s college career. Over the summer, we encourage you to monitor the New Student Orientation website at http://www.dartmouth.edu/~orientation/. You should also watch for information and mailings for your students from the Undergraduate Deans Office, which will be the hub for academic and personal advising throughout your student’s Dartmouth career. Dean of Undergraduate Students Brian Reed and his staff want to be sure you know that we welcome the partnership of parents, guardians and families. We invite you to get in touch with the Undergraduate Deans whenever you have questions or concerns about your students. As the Deans partner with your students to take increasing ownership of their education, you should know that your students will be surrounded by a team of professionals very much dedicated to their wellbeing and success.
Earlier this month, your students received a special publication called Explore, Engage, Excel, to introduce them to our advising system and provide important academic information in advance of the course election process during Orientation in September. Please encourage them to review these materials carefully, and to participate in the the popular “Deans’ Videochats" for incoming students later this summer. The deans will also be offering two opportunities for family video chats in August-watch for details to come.
To returning families: The Undergraduate Deans and the entire division of student affairs look forward to continuing to work with your students as they progress through their undergraduate careers. If you haven’t already done so, we encourage you to review ways you can support your student year by year at https://student-affairs.dartmouth.edu/parents/academic-journey, specific resources for students by year at https://students.dartmouth.edu/undergraduate-deans/students/resources-class and general information at https://students.dartmouth.edu/undergraduate-deans/resources-support/parents-guardians-and-families.
I’ll be back with a preview of the coming year next month. In the meantime, we look forward to welcoming those of you who will be joining us for Sophomore Family Weekend next week, and to connecting with you all over the course of the coming year.
Best wishes for a wonderful summer.
Kathryn J. Lively
Interim Dean of the College
House Professor for South House
Professor of Sociology
Dartmouth College
6004 Parkhurst Hall, Room 102
Hanover, NH 03755