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Dear Families,
We hope you and your students are enjoying the break. As we look ahead to the new year, Dartmouth is preparing to launch a series of events throughout 2019 to celebrate the College’s 250th anniversary. Activities on campus and around the world will offer students, faculty, staff, families and alumni a wide range of opportunities to come together. You’ll find an overview in the Dartmouth News piece included in this month’s featured stories, and at the link to the 250th website below. We hope you’ll consider attending the regional and international celebration events in your area.
This winter term, we’re particularly excited to invite student involvement in the Dartmouth Centers Forum program, “Envisioning the World We Want.” The Forum is a collaborative alliance of 19 campus organizations, ranging from the Collis Center for Student Involvement to the Dartmouth Libraries, the Dickey Center, the Hopkins Center for the Arts, and the Tucker Center for Ethical and Spiritual Life. In this 250th year, the Centers are inviting students and other members of the campus community to submit proposals for creative panels, workshops, discussions and performances that will draw the campus together to “invent our shared future.” Students will also have opportunities to enroll in special academic courses, participate in on-campus symposia, and volunteer as part of our Call to Serve initiative. If they’re not already involved in Center for Social Impact programs and activities, they’ll be able to learn more at the Center’s Community Connections Fair on January 3.
With very best wishes for a wonderful start to the new year,
Kathryn Lively
Interim Dean of the College