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Dear Families,
Let's begin this month by welcoming the families of incoming '23s to our Speaking of Dartmouth readership. You'll be receiving Speaking of Dartmouth, the College's digital newsletter for families, every month throughout your student's time at Dartmouth. It's one of the many ways we share campus news with you, ranging from faculty and student activities to major visitors to campus and upcoming events.
This month, you'll find news of Associate Professor of Anthropology Sienna Craig's appointment as South House Professor, Spanish and Portugese Professor Rebecca Biron's appointment as Director of the Leslie Center for the Humanities, and Economics Professor Andrew Samwick's reflections on his tenure as Director of the Rockefeller Center for Public Policy. Be sure to click on the newsletter links to view the amazing videos of students presenting their research activities and expressing thanks to their professors. In addition to checking out the featured stories each month, remember to scroll down to the end of each newsletter for reminders of important dates and upcoming activities.
For first-year families, watch for invitations to online chats with the first-year deans in August. The Undergraduate Deans Office is a hub for academic and personal advising throughout your student's Dartmouth career. We invite you to get in touch with them whenever you have a question or concern about your student. And as your students take increasing ownership of their education, they will be surrounded by a campus team of student affairs professionals dedicated to their well-being and success.
In addition to all of our summer term events and activities, including Summer Family Weekend next week, we are preparing for a terrific start to the 19-20 academic year. I'll be sharing more about that next month. In the meantime, if any of you are in a position to offer internship or career opportunities to our students, please consider registering for the Center for Professional Development's Job and Internship Fair on September 19th and 20th. The CPD Employer Relations staff look forward to hearing from you.
With very best wishes for the rest of the summer,
Kathryn Lively
Professor of Sociology
Dean of the College