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This policy provides additional requirements for student drivers to assure their safety in operating vehicles on behalf of College business.
Undergraduate student driver applicants must first meet criteria detailed in the broader Dartmouth Driver Policy. It is the responsibility of each individual operating a motor vehicle on behalf of the College to become familiar with this and all related policies.
Students may receive authorization to drive College-owned, rented, leased or personal vehicles in connection with College-sponsored activities and programs. However, such requests must be approved by the sponsoring department or office before applying to Transportation Services to become an Approved Driver.
College-sponsored activities and programs include all activities funded in any way through the College, including but not limited to:
All student travel related to College-sponsored activities and programs must be approved in advance of the trip by the faculty member, coach, administrator, dean or director responsible for the activity or program.
Students must apply to become approved drivers, submitting a complete Student Driver Application Form to Transportation Services, signature approved by the sponsoring department or office. Applications will be processed in the order received and may take up to two weeks to complete.
In addition to general provisions to become a college approved driver found in the Dartmouth Driver Policy, student applicants also require:
Any student awarded approved driver status later found, for any reason, did not meet policy requirements at the time, will be notified by Transportation Services that their approved driver status has been suspended. Students removed from the list will not be permitted to drive a vehicle on College-sponsored activities.
Disqualified drivers may elect to file a formal appeal with Transportation Services for an internal review by the Director of Transportation Services, who has final say over the designation of Approved Driver status.
When traveling to College-sponsored activities which involve one-way travel in excess of 150 miles from campus, the following will apply:
In addition to provisions to become a college approved student driver, first-year student applicants also require:
Failure to adhere to this policy may result in denial of Approved Driver status. Appeals should be directed to Transportation Services.