August 14, 2020 Update

Fall Waitlist Opportunity

Dear Students,

Last week, I told you we'd let you know if we are in a position to run a short, structured waitlist process for fall term. The answer is yes - on a very quick turnaround. We need to finalize the list of those who will be here before the end of next week to ensure that all can plan for their assigned arrival dates and follow the pre-arrival testing and health monitoring guidelines.

More than 150 students who had been approved for fall on-campus enrollment have notified us that they have changed their minds. The process for filling those spaces will not be first come first-served. You have until  9 a.m. eastern time this Monday, August 17th, to officially place your name on the list. All you need to do is email Put "waitlist" in the subject line, and simply confirm you want to be on the list by providing your college ID number. You don't need to explain or make your case. We will be pulling randomly from those eligible if demand exceeds available space.

First priority will go randomly to those students on the list who do not yet have a second approved on-campus term. If there are rooms remaining, we will pull randomly from those left. Room assignments will be based on space availability - not preference - and will be at the sole discretion of the Undergraduate Housing staff. There won't be time for additional rounds or extensions of the 9 a.m. Monday deadline. Results will be available by the end of next week. Those of you who are added from the waitlist will receive your room assignment and assigned arrival date along with everyone else who is approved for fall.

We know this requires a quick decision on your part, but we are glad to be able to offer the possibility for those who may want it. I'll be in touch again later today and next week with other updates.

All best,

Dean Lively